isko kya hua?
Now that we have solved the probability of product of 2 integers being a multiple of 2n
can we generalize this to
probability that the product of n integers is divisible by 2m?
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7 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2009-03-07 08:01:10
No one solving this! :(
Trust me this is not an olympiad level question if you have understood the question of 2 numbers with product 2^n!
deepanshu001 agarwal
·2009-03-16 05:02:22
help me out wid d probability dat product of 2 no ,s is divisible by 2^n
Lokesh Verma
·2009-03-16 05:15:36
Deepanshu check this one:
[url=]Divisibility by 8[/url]