Abhishek Priyam
·2008-12-27 22:09:12
That happens when the page is not loaded fully and your internet connection betrays you in between the page loading ...
it should not happen everytime...
if it does then some settings problem with chrome(don't know about IE as there are too many options there and i don't know which one is wrong :P)
just cross your fingers and reload ur page...
·2008-12-27 22:12:20
There is no problem is Chrome ...the page wasn't loaded completely .. just refresh the page ...
Regarding IE issue ... gimme some time to figure out the problem [1]
Abhishek Priyam
·2008-12-27 22:12:27
which song you were listening... :)
and theres an unread mail there ..
and why there are two connection icons there is there two internet connections or one is just a false one!!!
Anirudh Narayanan
·2008-12-27 22:13:03
Reloaded. But still the same thing comes[2]
·2008-12-27 22:16:15
@ Priyam ... Nice inspection [3]
@ Aragon ..IE problem fixed ... check it in IE ..
There is no problem with Chrome ... you internet connection is not letting the page to be fully loaded ... [2]
Anirudh Narayanan
·2008-12-27 22:16:22
It's not unread message, it's gtalk!
Song: Comfortably Numb[4]
P.S: Nice observation! [1]
Anirudh Narayanan
·2008-12-27 22:21:34
Thanx bhaiyyah. Btw Graph Of the Day?