My first and (may be) last message...


May this year bring all fortunes in your life... All your dreams come true... All your positive efforts be fruitful... All your goals come under your foot... All your faiths prove useful... n All your victories be remarkable... [1]

This is my first thread in TargetIIT... and (may be) my last one too... [2]

Today i juzz wanna share a small motivational message that always boosted me up when i was in depression during past two deadly years of my life viz., '07 & '08... this message was written by me when i experienced failure for d first time in my life in 11th... this is infact a combination of all d small messages that i heard occasionally, yet this is really motivational n inspirational... hope this will help you in tough times as it did for me...

My friend! Just don't feel stressed. Love your journey towards success. Failure is just a speed breaker on your success path and not a diversion. Set your goal only once and strive hard to achieve it. Never look back till you achieve your goal. Hope, courage and sincerity will definitely fetch you success. Never lose your hope or never deviate yourself from your goal. Never lose your self-confidence and self-respect in any situation. You are the sole and whole cause for your failures and successes. Remember that many can share your victory but none can feel your success. So whatever you do, do for yourself. You have power to do anything and everything. Just believe it. No one can stop you from achieving your goal. No one can destroy your confidence and sincerity. Whatever you do, do it now. Have a special recognition in your field. Start now.

Finally i would like to say... WILL MAKES U WIN

I wish you all the best for your upcoming challenges in your life... may GOD bless you... [1]

I wish to come again to this marvellous site if tym permits me to do dat... thanq everyone for being so friendly wid me... n special thanks to "nishant bhaiya" for his inexpressible support towards me... thanq evry1... [1]

6 Answers

Rohan Ghosh ·

good one mak.

skygirl ·

nice :)

Lokesh Verma ·

Good one mak...

We will all miss you too :)

just for the sake of it.. once ur jee is over.. come back once.. it will be great to have u here :)

? ·

MAK.. rula dala yarr !!...............

.........neverthless dude !!.. will meet in the IIT !!... miss you dude !

sindhu br ·

Mak.............. u surely will get into IIT
all the best............


*******MAK IS BACK*******

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but again, my name is MAQ [1] [1] [1]

i shall use this site from now with the intention for which it has been created... [1] [1] [1]

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