water can be boiled inside a satellite by convection .
reason :
convection is the process in which heat is transmitted from a place of higher temperature to a place of lower temperature by means of particles with their migrations from one place to another .
i know the second statement is correct but need to know whether the first statement is correct and also the correct reason for it
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5 Answers
I think water can be boiled inside a sattelite by convection!
after all moon is a satellite of earth! and earth can be viewed as one of the sun
and the reason is also correct
but then this seems to be such a "strange" question
well if
there is no vaccume inside a satellite hence partical prpagation ( convection that is ) is possible .
but as a particular case vaccum can be there hence no convection so i think assertion is false as all the cases r not satisfied
and bhaiya can we synonomuze btw artificial and natural satellites??
Water cannot be boiled in a satellite by convection.
In vaccum there is weightlessness. Therefore the particles do no move freely and move only when force applied.
Therefore it is not possible to boil water using convection
convection is only due to the gravitational attraction of earth and density variation on heating the water. so heavier cool water comes down and lighter warm water goes up . this's on earth
but not on satellite.
so first one is false.