what is the rms value of all the factors of 144??i tried but donno how two calculate the sum of factors taken 2 at a time!!!:( ...
Which of these have non-zero Dipole moment?? *Image* with proper explanation!! ...
Let {D1,D2.......,Dn}be the set of all third order determinants that can be formed with the distinct non-zero real numbers a1,a2....,an,then (A) \sum_{i=1}^{}{n} Di=1 (B) \sum_{i=1}^{}{n} Di=0 (C)Di=Dj for all i,j (D) none. A ...
Two mathematician are A&B plays a co-operative game.The computer selects some secret positive integer n less than 60 (both knows that n<60 but they dont know its value) .the computer tells the unit digit of number to A and ...
Q1)In a year proove that the 13th day of some month are friday. Q2)For the given gragh area of OAP=area of OBP and AP and PB is parallel to y and x axis respectively.find f(x)....(O=(0,0)) *Image* Q3)let n be postive integer ...
Its a very easy question. it came in my board xams,so i want to confirm the answer. please help:) *Image* ...
1)LET C1 and C2be two parabola x2=y-1 and y2=x-1.let p be any point on c1 and Q be any pont on C2. P' and Q' are the reflection of P and Q respectively w.r.t y=x line then proove: !)Prove PQ>min(PP',QQ') 2)hence determine ...
A positive integer n(>1)can be written as a product of power of distinct primes in one and only one way,except the order of factorization. i.e n=p1a1 p2a2......pkak. where 1<p1<p2<.....pk where pi's being prime(i= ...
The domain of defination of the function f(x)= 22x+64(x-2)/3-2-1(72+22x) i m not givin the options coz u'll be able to eliminate it(option) easily.solve wid proper method. ...
how can u write 31 only usin 3 five time?? ...
(A):22225555+55552222 is divisible by 7. (R):xn-an is divisible by x-a,n is even or odd and xn+an is divisible by x+a if n is odd. answer is A.............jus tell me how is reason explainin the assertion part?? ...
The metre is defined as the distance travelled by light in 1/299,792,458 second.why didn't people choose some easier number such as 1/300,000,000 second?why not 1 second?? ...
der is a chessboard of m/n dimension......calculate no of square,reactangles & rectangles wich r not squares...in the chess board ...