*Image* two rats A and B having initial positions at A and B at t=0. Rat A start chasing rat B with constt speed u. at the same time rat B start running in +ve x-axis with same speed. Find te mini distance btw them. ...
plzz tell me a site from where i can get all the formulae of all the chapters of physics maths n chem....so that i can go through all the formulae at one stress only....coz revicing formulae from here n there waste lots of ti ...
N = 2p*3q ( p nd q are on power) p,q bolong to natural no. 100<N<1000 then find the diff. in max. n mini. value of (p+q) ...
plzz tell me how to find Kb ( b is in subscript) if Kf (f is in sub script) Tf n molality is given for sum particular compound ...
how to convert propane1,3-dioic acid into cyclo popanoic acid. ...
show that: (nCo)2 - (nC1)2 + (nC2)2-...(-1)n (nCn)2 =0, n is odd (-1)n/2 (nCn/2) , n is even here, where evr i have multiplied 2 with nC terms..their they are its power...and 'n' is also a power of -1 in the same ...
2 frnds after a long time decided to meet at a particular coffee shop between 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on a specified day.they also decided that the person whho comes earlier will not wait for the second person for more than 10mins ...
a coin is tossed (m+n) times where (m>n). find the probability of exactly n consecutive heads. ...