A bird flies on ellipse ax2+by2=1 and z=5√3and b>a>0 whose essentricity is 1/√2.An observer stands at a point P(α,β,0) where maximum and minimum angl of elevation of the birds are 60.and
30. when bird is at Q and R respecttively on its path and Q' and R' are projection of Q and R on x-y plane,P,Q',R' are collinear and the distance between Q' and R' is maximum.Let θ be the angle of elevation of the bird when it is at a point on the arc of the ellipse exactly midway between Qand R.It is the given that point P lies outside the ellipse.
1)if α>0 then equation of the line along which minimum angle of elevation is observed, is
2)Equation of plane which touches the ellipse at Q and passes through p(α>0) is
3)Value of tanθ is
UP 0 DOWN 0 2 3
3 Answers
i have doubt in finding the direction of the the vector Q' and R'. please help me.
i am sorry i didnt even understand the question and not in any mood to do so