
Q1} How many ordered triples (a,b,c) of positive integers are there such that none of a,b,c exceeds 2010 and each of a,b,c divides a+b+c ?

Q2} Let n be a positive integer. Prove that there are no positive integers x and y such as
√n + √n+1 < √x + √y < √4n+2

7 Answers

Arnab Kundu ·

1.Ans 2010+670=2680
Because the triplets will be of the form (c,c,c) or (3c,2c,c) only.

Aditya Bhutra ·

arnab - what about (2c,c,c) ?

Devil ·

Effectively, b+c=ak, a+c=bl, a+b=cm......be the 3 equations.

Adding them gives 2(a+b+c)=ak+bl+cm

Implies a(2-k)+b(2-l)+c(2-m)=0. That gives at least 1 of k,l,m=1....let k=1

what follows is b|2c and c|2b

Now lets have 2c=bg, giving c=bg2 .....2b=4cg, which means g|4, implying =1,2,4....

Work out the cases to get the above forms of #2 & #3

Hari Shankar ·

The only triplets that satisfy the given conditions are of the form (2k,k,k) or (3k,2k,k) or (k,k,k).

The first gives 1005 unordered triplets and 3015 ordered triplets

The second gives 670 unordered triplets = 670X6 = 4020 ordered triplets

The third gives 2010 ordered triplets

Hence we have 9045 unordered triplets

Hari Shankar ·

The proof of the first part:

Assume a \ge b \ge c

Now a|(b+c) \Rightarrow a \le b+c \le 2b

Also b|a+c and a+c \le 3b means a+c=2b or a+c=3b

Now a+c = 3b \Leftrightarrow c = 3b-a \ge 3b-2b=b \Rightarrow c=b

so that a=2b

So we have (2k,k,k) as one family of solutions.

Now if a+c = 2b, a|b+c \Rightarrow a|(a+b+c) \Rightarrow a|3b

So either a = b or 2a=3b (since a≤2b)

If a=b, then a=b=c so that (k,k,k) is another family of solutions.

If 2a=3b, we see that 3|a. So let a=3k, then b = 2k and c=k

giving (3k,2k,k) is the last family of solutions.

Devil ·

I've done the same thing in another way

Referring to #4 - the very fact that g=1,2,4 gives these forms explicitly

pv ·

what about Q2

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