A few ques from algebra

Q1. Remainder when the number 111....1 (123 ones) is divided by 271 is

Q2. The period of the function such that f(x-1) + f(x+1) = √2f(x) is

Q3. Let S=\sum_{k=1}^{80}{\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}}. Then [S] equals where [] is GINT

Q4. Let x be a positive real number. Then the infinite sum \sum_{n=1}^{\infty }{\frac{(n-1)!}{(x+1)(x+2)...(x+n)}} equals

18 Answers

xYz ·

sir any hint for Q-3

Asish Mahapatra ·

really great sir..

b_k_dubey ·

You almost did it Karna.

Using : xTn+1 = nTn - (n+1)Tn+1

xT2 = T1 - 2T2

xT3 = 2T2 - 3T3

..... and so on

adding n such equations : x(T2 + T3 + .....+ Tn+1 ) = T1 - (n+1)Tn+1

x(T1 + T2 + T3 + .....+ Tn+1 ) = (1+x)T1 - (n+1)Tn+1

xSn+1 = 1 - (n+1)!(x+1)(x+2)....(x+n+1) (since T1 = 1x+1 )

xSn+1 = 1 - (1x+1) (2x+2) .... (n+1x+n+1)

all these bracketed fractions are smaller than 1 and if we multiply infinite such terms their limiting value is 0

xS∞ = 1

S∞ = 1/x

xYz ·

this sum can be done by method of difference



T_{n+1}=\frac{n T_{n}}{(x+n+1)}

xT_{n+1}= n T_{n}-(n+1)T_{n+1}
hence answer is
\frac{1}{x}\lim_{n\rightarrow infinity}(\frac{n!}{(x+1)(x+2)(x+3).........(x+n)})

eragon24 _Retired ·

ashish may i know from wer u got these ones from......

Asish Mahapatra ·

thanks for those answers

anyone doing Q4 ?

xYz ·

\sum{\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{k+1}}} < \sum{\frac{1}{2\sqrt{k}}} <\sum{\frac{1}{\sqrt{k-1}+\sqrt{k}}}

hence answer is 16

biswajit ·

Question. previously u had told the way to find generative function.
But I am unable to find the generative function of ax-1 + ax+1 = √2ax.

urs answer was Acos(Ï€x/4).
Please explain the way out sir.

Hari Shankar ·

Well known. The hint is:

\frac{1}{\sqrt k + \sqrt{k+1}} < \frac{1}{2\sqrt k} < \frac{1}{\sqrt{k-1} + \sqrt k}

Now can you nest the sum between two integers?

man111 singh ·

for ans (1)

eragon24 _Retired ·

ohk thanx for that link :)

Hari Shankar ·

Check out http://www.goiit.com/posts/list/differential-calculus-hard-question-951552.htm

eragon24 _Retired ·

@ hari sir can u plz explain a bit more on how u found out the function f(x) [1]

i dun hav any idea abt generating functions

Hari Shankar ·

thats precisely the point. The answer is already known to those who set the question paper, because they have lifted it from some source themselves. and they have not solved the question themselves, so how would they know what is the difficulty level.

Here, if you know generating functions, the function is f(x) = A \cos \frac{x\pi}{4} and its now obvious that f(x) = f(x+8)

eragon24 _Retired ·

i dont think such type of q can come in the exam......btw it was jus hit and trial with which those substis came.....its difficult for someone to strike des substis in the exam.....unlees u hav done it befor.....

fibonacci ·

nice one eragon :) . how do you think all these substitutions??

will someone have enough time to do this question in an exam?

eragon24 _Retired ·


firstly substitute x+1 in place of x in original eq............i

then subst x-1 in the original eq........................ii

add both thes eq i.e eq i and ii.....to get eq iii

now substitute x+2 in place of x in eq iii to get eq iv

now substitute x-2 in place of x in eq iv to get eq v

now subtarce both eq iv and v to get eq vi

now sustitue x-4 in place of x in eq vi
to get

so 8 is the period

its all abt substituting nothing else [3]

Asish Mahapatra ·


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