
Find the sum of 2+5+10+17+26+.......to n terms.

2 Answers

Asish Mahapatra ·

S = 2 5 10 17 26 ...

A = 3 5 7 9 ....

TA,n = 2n+1

TS,n = TS,1 + ΣTA,n-1
= 2 + Σ(n=1 to n-1) (2n+1)
= 2 + (n-1)[6 + (n-2)*2]/2
= 2 + (n-1)(n+1)
= n2 +1

=> ΣTS,n (n=1 to n) = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 + n

A (series) is the difference of the sum of the series of S (series)

TA,n => nth term of the series A

akash_kumar ·

Sn - Sn = 0

i.e. (2)+(5-2)+(10-5)+(17-10)+(26-17)+........-tn=0

tn=2+[3+5+7+9+.....to (n-1) terms

So, Sn=Σ(2n2-3n+3)
=n2(..............) <Express this in any form as you like in terms of 'n'>

Isn't this enough??

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