Binomail+greatest integer.....

\hspace{-16}$\If $\mathbf{x=\left(8+3\sqrt{7}\right)^n\;,n\in\mathbb{N}}\;,$Then $\mathbf{x-x^2+x\left[x\right]=}$\\\\ Where $\mathbf{\left[x\right]=}$Greatest Integer Function

3 Answers

rishabh ·

is the answer = 1 ?

rishabh ·

actually i dunno how to solve it properly but,
the question can be re-written as (x)(1-{x}) ..where {x} is fractional part of x.
=> (8+3√7)n (1-{x})
and by some very randon intuition i guess, 1- {(8+3√7)n} = (8-3√7)n.
=> (8+3√7)n* (8-3√7)n
= 1..

waiting for someone to prove that 1- {(8+3√7)n} = (8-3√7)n ..

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

If n is even integer then,

(8+3\sqrt{7})^{n}+(8-3\sqrt{7})^{n} = I+f+f'

where (8+3\sqrt{7})^{n}=I+f & (8-3\sqrt{7})^{n} = f' since (8-3\sqrt{7})^{n}<1

Since LHS is integer, RHS must be so, Hence f+f' = 1

Now Given expression as pointed out by rishabh is x(1-\left\{ x\right\})

which is (I+f)f'=(8+3\sqrt{7})^{n}(8-3\sqrt{7})^{n} =\boxed{1}

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