Ok..i got it..Thanks a lot sir..Thanks alot..
Find the number of terms in the expansion of (x^2 + 1 + 1/x^2)^n ,n=N
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10 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2009-09-30 23:05:18
This one is not very difficult if you think of the number of solutions of
2a-2b.. where a+b+c=n and a,b,c ≥0
Do you get the hint?
Jagaran Chowdhury
·2009-10-01 00:27:50
no. of terms in the expansion of(x+y+z)n
=(x+(y+z ))n
=1 term +2 terms +3terms+.....(n+1) terms
=1/2(n+1)(n+2) terms
Jagaran Chowdhury
·2009-10-01 00:30:52
@nishant sir, please explain ur hint ,sir and is the solution 1/2(n+1)(n+2) correct?
Jagaran Chowdhury
·2009-10-01 00:43:28
got it sir terms with similar powers of x club together reducing no. of terms.