oh u totally misunderstood me,
I knoe LH rule, and hence i applied it, frm that i derived a = b if the functn has to be twice diff.
but condition a=b does not satisdfy the answer [2]
EXPANSION OF Sin x is x-x3/3!+x5/5!...........
and log(1+x)=x-x2/2+x3/3-x4/4.........
remember these 2 and of Cos x and ex
i hope they will be sufficient
these type of questions r exlusively 4 them
and there is a less chance of these ques in JEE
sir ji iss mein expansions se ek step mein ho jaaega
wont u think it would be a better method
put a=b,
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{a\cos x-a+2cx+3x^2}{4x\log(1+x)+2x^2/(1+x)-6x^2+4x^3}
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{-a\sin x+2c+6x}{4\log(1+x)+4x/(1+x)+4x/(1+x) -2x^2/(1+x)^2-12x+12x^2}
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{-a\sin x+2c+6x}{4\log(1+x)+8x/(1+x)-2x^2/(1+x)^2-12x+12x^2}
denominator tends to zero so c=0
apply LH rule again...
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{-a\cos x+6}{4/(1+x)+8/(1+x)-8x/(1+x)^2-4x/(1+x)^2-4x^2/(1+x)^3-12+24x}
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{-a\cos x+6}{12/(1+x)-12x/(1+x)^2-4x^2/(1+x)^3-12+24x}
as x tends to zero , again deno tends to zero .. so a=6
a+b = 12
now you have found the four correct options :)
Then Avni, I think there is something wrong with the question.. let me try to final answer too..
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{a\sin x-bx+cx^2+x^3}{2x^2\log(1+x)-2x^3+x^4}
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{a\cos x-b+2cx+3x^2}{4x\log(1+x)+2x^2/(1+x)-6x^2+4x^3}
limit x -> zero the denominator tends to zero... numerator tends to a-b
so for limit to exist, a-b has to be zero..
oh u totally misunderstood me,
I knoe LH rule, and hence i applied it, frm that i derived a = b if the functn has to be twice diff.
but condition a=b does not satisdfy the answer [2]
The LH rule is L Hospital rule
it is simply the derivative of numerator to denominator if both of them are zero or infinite..
here see that both the num and deno are zero as x-> 0
so take the derivative of numerator by denominator..
(I assume this is yuor doubt avni?)
can sum1 pl reply to " too used LH, got a = b on very first LH applictn.
btu the ans dusnt satisfy a+ b = 2a"
Then wats wrong in it?
y is the answer not matcvhin
how can L take two different values :O
something wrong with the answer?
i too did that, got a = b on very first LH applictn.
btu the ans dusnt satisfy a+ b = 2a [2]
well avni , go for Lhospital. dint u get using that? if so will post totally u say.