is answer zero ?
8 Answers
·2009-04-05 08:53:36
y zero ?
take any nos , tatz equal
likke 2 for all or 566
then also , 0 only comez ,
0 is right !
right ?
·2009-04-05 08:57:02
but if eqn is of circle or stright lines or
any conic section
it maynot b zero !!
coz v then hadve 2 take considerations , assumptions !!
but wat xactly is the eqn ?
it differs ! different for differenyt for different !
is this full question ?
·2009-04-05 09:00:08
well guys,I too substituted zero and got the answer,but then,I just want to know a rigorous solution to this one!!!
This is the full question!
·2009-04-05 09:05:46
well , dude
i dony solve mush q , with each n every step , just consider n logikally i try it !
rigorously , wait , iwill try to giv it ans