simplify it to (1+x)((1+x)(x2-x+1))^130
→ (1+x)(1+x3)^130
What is the coefficient of x65 in the expansion of (1+x)131(x2-x+1)130.
so basically u will have to take 2 different parts of it surbhi..
first when u take 1 then x so find power of x65 and x64
that is all :)
we hav 2 findd coeffcint of x^(64) in d second part n multiplyin wid x in fisrt trm we get wat we wan and we also gt 2 find coeffcint of x^(65) in second and multiplyin it wid 1 u egt wt u wan
u can do that by T(r+1)=nCr (a)^(n-r)b^(r)