1.The ans is 0.
Now as f(x)=x^2*g(x).Thus f(0)=0.
f(x)=\frac{3a}{x+a}+\frac{4b}{x+b}-\frac{5c}{x+c}-\frac{6d}{x+d} is divisible by x2
the find the value of
I want to add my ?. But for the question.
What does it mean divisble by x2?
1.The ans is 0.
Now as f(x)=x^2*g(x).Thus f(0)=0.
Question is wrong as f(0) should be equal to zero which is not true here.
i think the question shud be
f(x) = 3a2x+a + 4b2x+b - 5c2x+c - 6d2x+d
then the thing to find out will be f(0) which is equal to 0
Amritansh the question should probably have had squares in the denominator..
even then i am not convinced because probably the question meant that the numerator should have no coefficient of x and constant term...
The original question would then imply that ...
x^2 divides 3a(x+b)(x+c)(x+d)+4b(x+a)(x+c)(x+d)-5c(x+a)(x+b)(x+d)-6d(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)
This in itself if never going to be true because this is equal to -4abcd at x=0
Otherwise as prophet sir said in the #3 the statement does not make a lot of sense...