Why is someone as useless as user 8972 present in this forum? I can find a lot of better people.
22 Answers
@ i never believed that clearing other people's doubts is a waste of time
It's not a waste of time. It's just that you can learn more when you're offline that you're online for the same time.
You just gain less, and not waste.
targetiit is the best place to be for IIT prep...
Speakin about experts, this is a discussion forum and most of the problems are sorted by the students themselves...As I see most of the problems posted in the recent times are the ones discussed earlier and hence do not encourage the older members to answer here...
There is enough material here already in the forums, questions of many kinds have been discussed...
Guys, try checking them b4 asking something down, use the search effectively...
One last thing, posting a question and waiting for experts to do the rest is not how targetiit used to work... It is the combined effort of all the aspirants... This is how students grow together... So, basically, solving someone elses problem should never be a problem... [1]
I am from a very small town.You do not know that I were not knowing about IIT till the end of 10th.But in the bigger cities people know about IIT from even 8th ,9th.In 11th I did not have any books for IITJEE.I asked my father to bring resonance study material.He brought and I found the toughest problems of all times.Then I thought to discuss those problems with my teachers who were teaching for 25-30 years.I asked them.And you what surprising I found.Those teachers could not even understand the problems carefully.They couldn't write even one line.So,I stopped solving those problems.When I were in 12th,my father brough books in the month of september.After that ,I were able to prepare for IIT on my own.In my Rajasthan board, even the problems of the level earlier AIEEE(2002)are not given.And now,you can know,what is the condiction of students in town.In my town,it the only me,who was preparing for IITJEE(there were 1 -2 students ,but they did not have material tostudy)>
well kaymant sir,
you are partly right about regular problems thing!but what about students from small townships who don't have access to even the books except the regular NCERTs.......let alone access to big coachings ...they don't even have school teachers wth them(i happen to be one of them)..Through INTERNET they get to know RECOMMENDED BOOKLIST...go to bigger cities and manage to get hold of those books!but certainly in the initial stages of their preparation they are going to get stuck badly at maybe so-called regular problems....though he may have a brain of a olympiad guy....given a little help in initial stages in regular problemslike for first two-three chapters in each subject he begins to get his mindset moulded the way it should have been for biggger problems and now he can move on his own...at other regular problems and maybe ending up at way higher level problems!
but if same student get stuck in regular problems....hopefully comes here....no replies for months.his mindset changes and he find them "super tough"..thinks JEE/any exam is beyond his scope...blames himself for belonging to small town!closes books and does averagely in his life!
so a bit of help once in a while with so called regular problems might nurture a big lot of scientific talent from small townships of india!
This forum is supposed to be a discussion forum. Discuss with other guys about what trouble you are facing in solving a particular problem; show what you have done and exactly where you are stuck. And then people might point out certain solutions. Its not like that you come here, post a problem and come back a month later to see whether somebody has solved it or not.
Personally speaking, I used to come here because I found some really interesting problems being discussed. But once ppl start posting some regular problems which have been discussed a number of times I don't feel like replying those. It simply doesn't provide the required motivation.
One more small thing could have been added...
targetiit is a website where no Ads come :P
waise lets end this debate on why we started targetiit and how it has moved beyond....
What I can assure you is that this is the only site where we dont delete even such posts which are usually for criticism ;)
The only surprising thing is one person claiming that we are using this to promote edudigm! When did we ever ask one user to join edudigm! :O
Pritish is saying absolutely Right........
and There is a aaperal or Humble request to all past-Targetiitians..If You have a little bit of time remaining from your college work.Then please post some good questions and clear students doubts.
and No doubt Targetiit.com is one of the best site for IIT-JEE Preparation.
Three Sirs do post something.They are Nishant,Manish and Kaymant.
I have not seen any other Sir clearing our doubts.But you can clearly see,out of hundred posts you merely find one post to which any expert has answered.And students are clearing doubts of each other and are destroying their time.
Please do not take it as a criticism Sir.And now,please it will be good if we will accept the truth.I have seen some other post in which the same issue was raised.But all the students criticised him very badly.I do not want that any fight should take place here.
Oops... That is me subhomoy..
I was using the computer that manish bhaiya generally sits at.. so this change in name.. anyways nevermind.. post thrives..
I consider Asish to be an expert.. He helped out..
A couple of days back I saw a post by Kamalendu Da.
there were a bit more..
As of the other mentioned experts, they are really too busy to come online generally... but nevertheless the teachers lie Manish Bhaiya, Nishant Bhaiya and Anant Sir are helping us out...
If I get time then I too try to help out the current IIT-aspirants..
And you people can always help each other out!
Well!Where do you find that there is a fourth teacher also who is helping us.Look at the main page.Go to the right hand side.There will come a list of experts who are helping us.But I can see only three Sir which are helping us.Means out of those experts,I can see only three names who are helping us.
Ya I do not have eyes.Please if you like,then please open my eyes.There may be fourth teacher also.But I have not seen him.I am completely a blind man.Please if you have money then cure my eyes.If you do not want to do then it is also ok.
@ Vinay 'They are Nishant,Manish and Kaymant.
I have not seen any other Sir clearing our doubts.'
You don't have eyes my dear.
Ya you are absolutely right.Clearing each other's doubt is not the time pass.
i never believed that clearing other people's doubts is a waste of time ... no way !!!. It actually helps you understand better. if you try to attempt another guys doubt he may have some queries regarding your solution which can lead to extremely fruitful discussions .. another thing i feel is that you guys (if you find activity to be low) should look at the plethora of beautiful questions that have been discussed earlier in this site. the QOD/GOD and many other questions are highly relevant and greatly discussed.
Agreed that activity is remaining low but the site is mainly for inter-student discussions. Look at goiit. .. what happened to the site?? it was not due to lack of experts but it was due to highly crappy people who came there and posted questions such as what is electrochemistry. Books are the first and foremost place to learn concpets. If you face a difficulty in a question or some concept, post here. I am sure that if you develop good rapport with the existing active users and if more quality students join this site . this will greatly improve.
Targetiit was definitely much better than how it is now. It had a rich deluge of talented students solving problems for each other. As most of these students have settled into their engineering colleges, they're too busy to take time off. You can't blame them..though the site is a bit barren now. The very essence of targetiit did not lie in the experts but in those students. If more students flood this website and try to maintain those standards of the past, targetiit will reach those heights once again.
@ the thread starter...how ironic it is that your name matches the same of the IIT prep website which was destroyed by its own student's lounge.
however nobel one acts money making is always the target.
Targetiit was for just promoting Edudigm and to gain publicity that three IITians are helping studetns for FREE.
Now that the aim is fulfilled who cares?