okkkkkk........i will try......
x1, x2, x3, ... is defined recursively by x0 = 1,
xn+1 = (3xn + √5xn2- 4 )1/2
Show that all these are integers!
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12 Answers
the obvious one.. prove that the number is a perfect square!
use recursion..
if i have done something disastrously wrong just tell me i wud go to sleep but atleast break the suspense
i dont think i meant any of that.. this is a stupid question of the day..
you are not wrong philip,... this question is a disastor...
now i dont remember what i was upto a couple of nights back...
trust me i dont drink ;) So i was sober when giving this question :P
thats why it went unanswered for so long.....................................
Such an old thread [11]
Thanx for digging it up, eureka!