
The total number of natural numbers of 6 digits that can be made with digits 1,2,3,4 if all digits are to appear in at least once are........

3 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

case 1 : 1 digit thrice 3 digits once:

no of ways =4C1×3C3×6!/3!

case 2: 2 digits twice 2 digits once:

no of ways =4C2×2C2×6!/(2!.2!)

case 3: 3 digits twice:

no of ways =4C3×6!/(2!.2!.2!)

Take the sum...

eureka123 ·

sir, but answer is 1560

Lokesh Verma ·

1) 480

2) 1080

3) 360

So the basic is that The 3rd case cant be taken!!

That is because the 3 digits are not used...

So sum of 1st two parts give the answer :)

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