nice problem

In a troop of 2008, 12 are on patrol duty every night. prove that it is impossible to draw up a schedule according to which every two are on duty exactly once

5 Answers

eureka123 ·

what happened sir????????

satan92 ·

i ve solved it but by using symmetry

not directly

satan92 ·

oh i solved it directly ..!

satan92 ·

you see let us assume first that the schedule is possible

then no. of pairs (total)=2008C2=1004*2007

each day no. of mutual pairs = 12C2=11*6

but as each pair is together only once

hence total number of nights on duty =


but then it is coming out to be a fraction!!!

so not possible

Lokesh Verma ·

great work satan :)

well done :)

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