ya... they say this book is good...
though i have it... but have never gone through.. :P
Mathematics for IIT-JEE 2012-2013: Algebra http://goo.gl/jVO7E
Is it good enough?
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6 Answers
Anik Chatterjee
·2012-05-24 03:06:44
1)Algebra by arihant publications
2)Comprehensive algebra-Tata Mcgraw Hill
are these books good enough?? are they sufficient for jee algebra??
·2012-06-06 17:03:21
Ketan Chandak
·2012-06-06 18:04:20
@anik....arihant all books are sufficient for iit jee for the specific topics of which they are...
·2012-06-06 18:54:05
i don't think Arihant is that standard...
The best book ever for practicing questions is
"Mathematics for IIT-JEE" by "RD Sharma"...
wonderful book........... must say..!!
Anik Chatterjee
·2012-06-07 03:05:06
but...can RD sharma be completed in 2 years??...i mean... there are too many problems....