P n C

Q1 no of six digit nos which have sum of digits as odd integer

Q2 find Ak if \frac{m!}{x(x+1)(x+2)..(x+m)}=\sum_{i=1}^{m}{\frac{A_i}{x+i}}

Q3 largest two diigt prime number that divides^{200}C_{100}

Q4 no. of natural nos n for which n! ends with 26 zeroes

Q5 find no. f 3 digit nos .of the form xyz where x,z<y ,x≠0

Q6 what are ternery sequences ??
how many terenry sequences of length 9 are there which begin with 210 or end with 210

6 Answers

eureka123 ·

Q7 x=(2n+1)(2n+3)...(4n-3)(4n-1);y=(\frac{1}{2})^n\frac{(4n)!.n!}{(2n)!(2n)!}

find value of x-y+2n

Asish Mahapatra ·

Q4. we need to find where the exponent of 5 = 26

till 100 it is 20+4 = 24..

now 105 has 25

and 110 has 26

so 110!, 111!, 112!, 113!, 114! have 26 zeroes

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

actually ans is 110 including

eragon24 _Retired ·



in 200! der r exactly 2 nos which r multiple of 67,68,69.......100

whearas in 100! der is one multiple of 67,68......100...i.e the no. itself

des nos 67,68,69......100 gets cancellled from numerator & denominator in val of 200C100

in 200! der r exactly 3 nos which r multiply of 51,52..........66

wheras in 100! der is only one number multiple of 51,52....66(i.e no. itself)

so we hav 200C100=(61)3(No. not divisble by 61)(61x No. not divisble by 61)2

=61x integer

hence 61

Maths Musing ·

What is the sum of the digits

a > in 100000 --- ans. 1
b> in 100001 --- ans. 2

Take any arbitrary ,

c > in 123243 --- ans . 15
d > in 123244 --- ans . 16

So numbers which have odd sum of digits come right behind those who have even sum of digits .

What I want to say is , that the number of six digit numbers , that have odd sum of digits , is half the total no. of six digit nimbers.

So ans . --- 500000

Maths Musing ·

Given x = (2n+1)(2n+3) ........ (4n-3)(4n-1)

So x . (2n+2) . (2n+4) ..... 4n = (4n)! / (2n)!

Here we have n terms in L . H . S, starting from 2n+2 to ending with 4n . So by taking 2 from

each term , we get 2n [ (n+1)(n+2)(n+3) …. Upto 2n ] , which is (2n)! . 2n / n!

So x . (2n)! . 2n / n! = (4n)! / (2n)!

or x = 2-n . n! . 4nC2n -------------------- 1

Again , y = 4nC2n . n! . 2-n ------------- 2

So from 1 and 2 ,

y = x

Finally , x - y + 2n = 2n

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