pc 1

no of rational no.s lying in the interval : 2002 to 2003 all whose digits aftr the decimal point are non-zero and are in decreasing order.. ??

5 Answers

tapanmast Vora ·

nahi hoga par fir bhi ...
is this allowed 2002.221??????

Lokesh Verma ·

this is a very good question

this is same as the number of numbers between 0 and 1 with decimal points are non zero and decreasing..

assume that if we have 1 only.. then the number will be


if 2 and 1 then it will be
(1) + 1 = 2

if 3 and 2 and 1 then it will be 2+2=4

so for 9,8,...1 it will be 28

I Hope the recurrsive logic is clear to everyone.

Lokesh Verma ·

did i make a mistake in the reccursion?

Lokesh Verma ·

yeah there is a better way and the answer is 29-1

see each selection of distinct nos from the n digits 1... 9 will yeield one unique solution.. which isthe numbers put in decending order

So the number of ways will be 29

out of this 1 way when we dont chose any..

hence 29-1

skygirl ·

tx :)

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