but i want explanation for the theory part.
i cant understand by substituting the formula.
waiting for a serious help .............
please explain me baye's theorem for the problem
There are three boxes B1,B2,B3 Box B1 contains 2 gold coins,B2 contains 2 silver coins and B3 contains one gold and one silver coin.A box is chosen at random and then a coin is drawn from it.If the coin happens to be gold, what is the probability that the other coin in that box is also gold?
but i want explanation for the theory part.
i cant understand by substituting the formula.
waiting for a serious help .............
Its very simple!
See, we r given dat d coin is from B1
The probability of selecting B1 is 1/3
Probability that gold coin is frm b1 is 1, that it's frm b2 is 0 and it's from b3 is 1/2.
Now we can directly apply Baye's theorem:
P= (1/3*1)/1/3*1 + 1/3*1/2 + 1/3*0
Hope u got it!!!
sankara.. this comes from venn diagram
P(A/B) is the area fo A∩B divided by area of B!
I hope this hint helps enuf..
try to draw a venn diagram
Sankara, you will perfect Bayes' Theorem only with more and more problems. Once you get used to it, you'll begin to enjoy it. [1]
This is my favourite topic in probability. Bhaiyyah, if you can, please post a few problems in it?
okie.. dude i will post a couple on the "backlog" question of the days ;)
nishant sir ur helpd a lot in understanding Bayes theorem and tx others for repling