my mistake guys I copy pasted the question and the interval was an image file..never is [-26,0]
Why do you ppl think it is the correct explanation? after finding the roots you have to find out the probability and they should have mentioned probability is given by finding lengths of intervals in the second statement.....only half of the idea is given.....!!
The following Question is of Assertion and Reason type. Select the correct choice from the following options.
Statement 1: The probability for the graph of 16x2 + 8(a+5)x -7 a - 5 in the interval is strictly above the x-axis is 0.5.
Statement 2: If the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c is strictly above the x-axis, the discriminant is negative and a > 0.
According to me the answer should be both true and 2 not a correct explanation because statement 2 does not say any thing about finding out the probability by interval lengths.
But the answer given is both true and correct explanation.
Any one agrees with me?
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6 Answers
first things complete questions dude..where is the interval??(u need to mention it without that question makes no sense).
second thing: if the length of interval(i.e. sample space) for a(in first statement) is given as 26 then both statements are correct and correct explanation!
well i guess this was baes on "why" the probability is 0.5 and not "how" you found the probability!so if u read it again now u will agree why it is correct explanation!
Assertion and reason type questions are the worst type acc. to me.....there can be many interpretations for the same question. I think thats why JEE stopped giving it. I wish they get removed from AIEEE too!!!