two numbers a and b are chosen from the set {1,2.......25}. the probability that a4-b4 is divisible by 5 is?
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3 Answers
The key is to check the last digits.
Other wise also it's simple....See a2 leaves a remainder of either 1 or 4 when divided by 5.
So (a4-b4)=(a2+b2)(a2-b2). Now for the 2nd term to be divisible by 5, a can be of the form 5k+2 or 5k+3. Similarly b must be of the form 5k+1 only.
Similar argument for the 1st term.
Now comes the fun, what when both are divisble by 5.....that happens only when both a and b are divisible by 5 - that completes it - I hope. [124]
Soumik...I tried that reasoning of yours..I was getting a weird answer. Last digits of 4th powers are mostly 6 and 1, so difference of 6-1 gives last digit 5. To give a positive result of a4 - b4, I discarded some possibilities and got 3 permutations out of 9! possible(because there are digits 0-9 which can be raised to 4th power to check their last digits) ones. My answer is wrong however...maybe I reasoned wrongly.
I got 5/24 for 5 multiples of 5 present in the set of 24 numbers. So 2 x 5/24 (possible for a and b). Dunno, I lost my way after that :D.
did u try out my 2nd argument ?
anyways, I did not calculate it, so maybe there's an error! [12]