
if α,β are roots of x2+px+c=0 and α4,β4are roots of x2-rx+s=0 then the eq x2-4qx+2qr-r=0 has which type of roots given p,q,r,s ε R

1 Answers

skygirl ·

first of all toh .. your question has a mistake..
inthe first eqn, the 'c' will be 'q'.

in x^2+px+q=0 , α+β=-p, αβ=q.
in x^2-rx+s=0 , α4+β4=r, α4β4=s.

so in the eqn x^2-4qx+2qr-r=0 , let roots be m1 n m2.

m1+m2 = 4q
m1m2 = r(2q-1)

now represent q n r in terms of α,β...

i din solve fully ,, but u will get it this way...

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