5 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2008-11-01 07:55:55
This might seem so very tough..
just remember:
1) e=1+1+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!...............
2) Also write the above expression as a summation and see if u can break it down into such a sum...
It is not very easy... but a little manipulation is needed!
Lokesh Verma
·2008-11-01 07:56:30
try for 5-10 minutes.. and tell me.. i will solve this for u after that :)
Lokesh Verma
·2008-11-01 08:10:35
S = Σ(1 to ∞) r3/r!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) r2/(r-1)!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) (r2-1+1)/(r-1)!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) ((r-1)(r+1)+1)/(r-1)!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) {(r-1)(r+1)/(r-1)! +1/(r-1)!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) {(r+1)/(r-2)! +1/(r-1)!}
S = Σ(1 to ∞) (r+1)/(r-2)! +Σ(1 to ∞) 1/(r-1)!
S = Σ(1 to ∞) (r+1)/(r-2)! + e
keep going this way ....just a very few steps that are left...