system of equations.

$If $x,y,z$ are real no. such that $\left\{\begin{array}{c} x+y+z=2\\ x^2+y^2+z^2=16\\ xyz=1\end{array}\right.$ .\\\\\\ Then Calculate value of $\displaystyle \frac{1}{xy+2z}+\frac{1}{yz+2x}+\frac{1}{zx+2y}=$

5 Answers

Ricky ·

2 ( xy + yz + zx ) = ( x + y + z ) 2 - x 2 - y 2 - z 2 = 4 - 16 = -12

Or , xy + yz + zx = -12 .

Let us construct an equation which has 3 roots , " x " , " y " , " z " , given -

x + y + z = 2 .

xy + yz + zx = -12 .

xyz = 1 .

That can be found to be -

x 3 - 2 x 2 + 12 x - 1 = 0

Now , 1xy + 2 z = zxyz + 2 z 2 = z1 + 2 z 2

So , we want an equation having roots " z1 + 2 z 2 " , y1 + 2 y 2 " , " x1 + 2 x 2 " , which should be fairly easy to derive from the first equation .

So please try to solve this problem all by yourself now . If you can't , well , you know where to find me :)

Hari Shankar ·

xy+2z = xy + 2(2-x-y) = (x-2)(y-2)

Hence the given sum is

\sum \frac{1}{(x-2)(y-2)} = \frac{\sum x-6}{(x-2)(y-2)(z-2)}

We are given \sum x = 2 and

From Ricky's post, we have the polynomial P(t) of which x,y,z are roots, so

(x-2)(y-2)(z-2) = -(2-x)(2-y)(2-z) = - P(2)=-23

Hence the required sum should be


Shubhodip ·

the polynomial is p(t) = t3-2t2+ 12t -1

it has x,y,z as roots.

so p(t) = k(t-x)(t-y)(t-z)

since p(t) is a monic polynomial (means leading coeff of highest degree is one)

k = 1

so p(t) = (t-x)(t-y)(t-z)

that's why p(2) = (2-x)(2-y)(2-z)

chinmaya ·

thank you shubhodip!

man111 singh ·

Thanks ricky,bhatt sir ,shubhodip.

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