if u want to find the soln for ur dbt substitute for many nos.and u will get a conclusion.
The value of limx-->0(cosx + a sinbx)1/x
Ans was e^ab
The method was using the expansion...but pls explain how the higher powers gets cancelled out..(because denominator of cos and sin goes as 2! , 3! respectively)
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4 Answers
·2009-05-11 08:49:55
·2009-05-11 08:51:21
but it is not the proper method na....U can do in some cases but not always.....(especially calculus might mislead u)
Celestine preetham
·2009-05-11 08:56:22
ans is
put cosx =1
sinbx= bx
(1+abx)1/x = elog(1+abx)/x = eab
ive skipped the word limit
Mani Pal Singh
·2009-05-11 09:02:50
u simply have to observe that it is 1∞ form
use the standard form
e1/x(cosx + a sinbx)
so now here use expansions
@ cele we should not promote the putting thing when we r at home [1]