ok leave it.... i will try the rest n post agn if i cant....... :)
1.) stat1: the function f(x)=(x2+x-2)(x2+2x-3) has local extremum at x=1.
stat2: f(x)is continuous and differentiable and f'(1)=0.
plz answer... i hope all of u here are familiar wid the options of asertion-reasoning..... now ia m too ' ' to write all of them :(
2.) let f:R->R and g:R->R be functions such dat f(g(x)) is a one-one function.
so match......( evryone knows :))
column one:
a) then g(x)
b) then f(x)
c) if g(x) is onto then f(x)
d) if g(x) is into then f(x)
second column:
p) must be one-one
q) may not be one-one
r) may be many-one
s) must be many-one.
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9 Answers
1 is true .. 2 is not the right reason! (Cos just derivate zero does not mean extrema!)
g must be 1-1
f may be many -1
can u figure the rest! ?
and reasons for these?
if (g(a)=g(b)
f(g(a))=f(g(b)) whci h will nto be one one..
hece g cant be many one.. has to be 1-1
what is the difference between these two???
q) may not be one-one
r) may be many-one
Nothing to me!! seriously!! :D
I was thinking the same...
(diff b/w q,r)
But the answers given are never both...