Lokesh Verma
·2010-08-09 09:00:46
Good question.. liked it [1]
This is a positive number...
So we have \sum{\frac{1}{k+n^2}}<\sum{\frac{1}{n^2}}=1/n
Hence the answer is zero...
·2010-08-09 20:16:58
rightly applied sandwich theorem !
i wanted many guys to go mad about converting it to a riemann integral :P
·2010-08-09 23:52:02
no one who is studying for jee will go mad on converting this on some reimann integral he has not heard about rather than using sandwich theorem he has learnt in class
if one does so,i would call him mentally ill
·2010-08-09 23:53:57
and it would be better if u had put sensible names to the questions
this would help in better searching for a needy student in the future
from the one who all hate, from the biggest idiot of 3 idiots, for all who think are geniuses
dont use such crap names
·2010-08-10 00:01:08
perfectly said johnny bhaiyya
Lokesh Verma
·2010-08-10 01:30:05
Well before we all start finger pointing on each other and trying to satiate our own egos... Cant we all just see the questions... The topic was out of context.. but then the comments that follow are only adding fuel to the fire...
The reason that bindaas is outlining is perfect...
Why i liked the question is because the first thing i thought after seeing the question is to think that there would be some integration involved..... Then i realized the right solutin.. and in saying so he is perfectly correct... [1]
To everyone.. There have been a lot of people who have been abusive at times.. but hopefully they realize their shallowness and the fact the attitude kind of never helps... Knowingly or unkowingly by posting offensive comments we are all degrading the site and defeating the basic purpose why this site has been made... [1]
Asish Mahapatra
·2010-08-10 01:32:11
yeah i too liked the question . it din even strike me first time .. but then other users (if they do search) wont find it...
·2010-08-10 03:04:39
In any case, the search engine of tiit usually never gives what one is looking for [1]
·2010-08-10 04:13:40
it gives for me sir
u need to search the right way