kaun hai bhai diricichlet ....yaad nahi....
can we integrate dirichlet function ? sorry for silly doubt :P
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16 Answers
we can but not by the limits method of integration that we know.
But this is not in syllabus...
It is about definitions...
i dont think u can srinath. just think once more.
@sky and mka: dirichlet is a very famous function. it is discontinous at every point of its domain{also called as nowhere continous function}. and coming to its form, its a limit of another limit noth taken n→∞
wiki gives a nice thign looks a bit scary at first then the understandnig of the complex( so called ) function is interesting.
btw the value is zero..
you can think of it as that almost everywhere the function's value is 0
but at some of the points it is non zero.
the probability of finding a zero wala point is 1
so the area will be zero..
Thisis a very crude way to understand that the integral is zero..
This is not in syllabus.
sorry coming with the link.
Nishant Should elaborate. plz it's important I feel . Maron also gives it I think.
upper riemanian sum and lower riemanian sum needed here or what ? spelling ko barbdash karo sorry :(
ya dude IA MARON gives it. its a perfect book for calculus but i dont think its the right time to go with it.
why for your concepts that should be fine even now .
some nice problems also
and this link's also useful .
@ sky .
Bhaiya, do u still remember my suggestion abt difficulty level???? Where does this question rank?? Pls reply before i decide to give up JEE09 [3][3][3]