when x2 is very near to 0 but not equal to 0 , we have
multiplying through out by x2 we have
so by sandwich theorem we have the given limit as 0 .
1) limx→0 x2 sin1/x
2) limx→0 xcos1/x
3) limx→∞ sinx/x
4) limx→∞ cosx/x
when x is very near to 0 but not equal to 0 , we have
multiplying through out by x we have
so by sandwich theorem we have the given limit as 0 .
when x2 is very near to 0 but not equal to 0 , we have
multiplying through out by x2 we have
so by sandwich theorem we have the given limit as 0 .
3) lim x→∞ sinx/x
when x goes to ∞ sinx has a definate value......between -1 and 1........
so finite/infinite is 0
ans should be 0