p not equals to q
then how many real roots possible for f(x)?
and please explain wat is the root repeated and how many times it repeated.
please give me ur explanation.
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3 Answers
maybe VERY wrong but.....
my guess, real roots are just 2 i.e. p and q if both p and q are real.
x=p is root repeated 8 times and x=q is root repeated 16 times.
consider (x-p)8(x-q)16=0
as it is already in factorised form, the roots are.........
(x-p)(x-p)...8 times*(x-q)(x-q).... 16 times
and as the degree of polynomial is 24 hence 8 roots are p and 16 are q
ashish 's solution seems very correct to me
see the function will always be positive or zero (at p and q)
i never quite understood what "repeated roots" mean but ashish is quite convincing in what he says.
anyone who can point any mistake in this??