
find the equation of tangents drawn to the curve y2 - 2x3 -4y + 8 from the point (1,2) ????

6 Answers

varun ·

the slope of any tangent = (2 + 3x)/y.

Now let the point on the curve be (x1,y1).

The slope of the tangent is also (y1-2)/(x1 - 1) = (2 + 31)/y1.

Equating, you will get an equation. Solve that equation and the curve to get the 2 points where the tangent and the curve meet.

Then get the eq of tangent,,

big looser ......... ·

varun tel me your final answer and how u get slope
i think slope should be 3 x2 /(y-2)

varun ·

My bad ... I made a mistake in slope :p

The slope = 3x2/(y-2).

Let the point be (x,y).

(y-2)/(x-1) = 3x2/(y-2).

=> 3x3-3x2-y2+4y-4 = 0

Now eq of curve =

y2-2x3-4y+8 = 0

big looser ......... ·

thanks varun for giving me the method

varun ·

Lol I am not able to solve those eq ..

Manish Shankar ·

slope = 3x2/(y-2)
let the point be (x1,y1)
eqn of tangent = (y-2)/(x-1)=3x12/(y1-2)

as it passes through (x1,y1)
the eqn is
i.e. (y1-2)2=3x12(x1-1)

also given curve is (y1-2)2=2x13-4

from two eqns we get
i.e x13-3x12+4=0

so x1=2 (x1=-1 not possible)
and y1=2±2√3

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