very foolish doubt

how to draw graph of y≥[sin(πx)]/4

6 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

see any curve is ways y=f(x)

the thing above it is y> f(x)

so if u can draw

sin(pi x) /4

you will be done.. :)

eureka123 ·

I cant draw sin(pi x) /4 ...............I told u earlier tooooo.....My graphing is veryyy poor

Lokesh Verma ·


ok dude..

I will try to post a forum article or somthing sometime about how graphs work!

Well it is not an easy task though...

Tomorrow i have to wake up early... so sorry am not replying to the other posts...

Good nite man...
good luck...

eureka123 ·

I hope u can help me in improving my graphs......Target should be that in min time I should be perfect...............WAiting for that article........

aditya220691 ·

Need help in a qn

How do u compare the values as e^(pi) and (pi)^e...............

Or hw do u check whethr 100^101 or 101^100 is greater...........

Lokesh Verma ·

100^101 or 101^100

is same as comparing

100 or (101/100)100

is same as comparing

100 or (1+1/100)100

I think some binomial from here will nail this one :)

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