did not get it!!!!
what will happen if you kept multiplying
\\(1+1/2) \\(1+1/2)(1+1/4) \\(1+1/2)(1+1/4)(1+1/16) \\(1+1/2)(1+1/4)(1+1/16)(1+1/256) \\(1+1/2)(1+1/4)(1+1/16)(1+1/256)......
and so on?
would you get a finite number or an infinite one?
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Sir, Should I write the expression in this way:
we would probably get an infinite one, coz as we can rite d eqn as (1+1/2)(1+1/22)(1+1/24)........the power of 2 will then go on increasing like 24,26,28,210.... !!!!
yes sunit.. that is what it seems .. first look..
but this is not what is happening here...
The number is actually finite...
look at what swastika has done..
Hint: FIrst prove:
(a+b)(a2+b2) = (a4-b4)/(a-b)
Then try to do this again and again in this question to see what you get
Is the value like this:
2x - 1 2x-1
where x is the number of times we multiply the terms.
P.S.: Sir if the value of x is infinitely large, then the value of the expression will also be infinitely large. So, how do we get a finite solution?
yes asish. that is the answer...
Now you have to try and show that this is finite and infact 2...
taking the limits finishes this off , doesn't it ? but i don't think we should use limits , as this is for IX - X
yes we shouldnt use limits as a phrase.. but as a simple fact.. that the given sum is actually equal to
2 - 12n-1