stupid question even for the below x-graders............ how can u leave out the mgcot x component in the second case.......this other component is neglected in the first case only because it is perpendicular to the plane of motion!!!!! adding the two components in the second case would yield the same result as in the first case!!!!!
This is 1 way to resolve components....But what I do is use the triangle law....(1st dia)....
There easy to see sinx=mgComp of mg along the incline
Comp = mgsinx
Thus by 2 different methods, we get 2 different answers, explain the fallacy - 11th / 12th graders strictly not allowed.....
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3 Answers
·2009-07-28 04:05:54
·2009-07-28 05:05:11
when i was in x i dunno how to resolve forces and also soumik is really intelligent he has posted for a xth stud.
·2009-07-28 10:22:24
Good to see that rambo's intelligence-level is so high......come on msp, this was done in our 9th stds.....