Ban. PB D E-I 15

Find the equation of the circle that passes through the focus of the parabola x2=4y and touches the parabola given at the point (6,9).

(My specific doubt is that we can form the two equations from the two given points but where will be the third equation come from to get the three variables!)

1 Answers

skygirl ·

arey no three variables..

see the tangent to the parabola at the point 6,9 is also a tangent to the circle.

now, tangent eqn for the para at 6,9 : y-3x+9=0

and centr of circle = (0,1)

now radius of the circle = perpendicular dist of 0,1 from that tangent.

so r=√10.

now u will get eqn.

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