no . , ok understood
does the auxillary circle of ellipse is for specific ellipse or it can be the auxillary circle for more than one ellipse
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b includes e , that is if b/a is fixed for an ellipse ,e is also fixed. so only one ellipse for one auxillary circle .
b/a is now c/a , if it is so then for the same eccentricity angle phi, the corresponding points on the auxillary circle will have infinite coordinates , which is not possible, same point will have (acos phi , bsinphi) and (a cos phi ,c cos phi). so only one auxillary circle and one ellipse
c auxilary circle is
xsq+ysq =asq
a=minor axis
nw only a cumz rite ??
nw consider
xsq/asq +ysq/bsq =1
auxi circle is xsq +ysq=asq
nw consider ellipse
xsq /asq +ysq/csq=1
auxi circle is
so these r two difrnt ellipse bt auxi circel is same
so one auxi circle can hav many ellipse coresspondin 2 it
it can b for more then one ellipse i mean auxilaary circle only depnds on d major axis .so if d minor axis change then ellipse change bt circle remaiins same
cuz change is d law of life .............or say spice of life ;)
yes...When u increase the eccentricity of the elliplse(less than one) to one... u will get the auxillary there may b infinite ellipses...
BTW tanx wats in name(WHY NOW ~~~~~~)
hey sriraghav wat u gave is d equation of director circel this person is talkin bout auxilary circle wich is
no it is only for one ellipse...coz the radius changess
x^2 +y^2 = a^2 + b^6