please check the two equatns that u have given...
If a variable line,drwan through the point of intersection of the straight lines 3x+2y-6=0 and 2x+2y-6,meets the x-axis and y-axis in A and B,then the locus of point P such that PB:Pa =3:1
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if go by yr question then family of line pass thru given line is
which shows clearly the locus as y=1/4
yup.... i am too getting y=1/4..
and x variable.. depending on the slope on AB.
The answer that you are getting is completely abject.The answer I have is 3x+9y-10xy=0.
Just one equation is mentioned in the book.
The answer is 3x+9y-10xy=0.
that I have mentioned already in the last post.
yes, i am getting the answer u have posted earlier...
bt mine is a lil long process.. :(
first i found out the point of intersection...
taken an arbitrary line passing through the points as y=mx+c..
satisfied this with the point of intersection..
got a rel. betwn m and c.
expressed c in terms of m.
found out A and B.
applied section formula..
thus, obtaining h=18(m-1)20m and k= 18(m-1)20.
where P=(h,k)
then i eliminated m and thus got the locus as