a= 2√3 ??
the largest value of a for which the circle x2+y2 = a2 lies completely inside the parabola y2 = 4(x+4)
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6 Answers
fahadnasir nasir
·2011-08-19 03:40:04
Deff cirle equation 2xdxdy+2y=0 → dxdy=-yx
Deff parabola eq 2y=4dxdy → dxdy=12y
that means -yx=12y
x+2=0 →x=-2
from circle eq a=2√3
·2011-08-21 00:20:49
i still dint get it... fahad dint understand your method.
does some1 have another method?
fahadnasir nasir
·2011-08-21 03:00:38
rishabh, the concept is that the the two curves of circle and parabola intersect when the slopes of the two curves are equal.