\textup{on solving xy=1 and y=2x one point we get is} (1/\sqrt{2},\sqrt{2}) \textup{this must also satisfy the reflected curve so we get an equation } 6+r+2s+t=0. \textup{and any 2 random points on xy= are (1,1) and (2,1/2) we can find the reflection of these two points in y=2x and they must also satisfy the reflected curve so similarly we get 2 more equations.now we have 3 variables and 3 equations in hand which can be solved to get the answer.}
If the graph of xy = 1 is reflected in the graph of y =2x to give the graph of 12x^2+rxy+sy^2+t=0 , where r,s,t are some constant. Determine them.
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4 Answers
·2011-11-14 09:24:06
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2011-11-14 22:09:11
That is the obvious idea coming to mind.. Any better approach/methodology to solve in a general way?
Aditya Bhutra
·2011-11-15 01:59:07
yes there is an easy method as supplied in the fiitjee aits solutions