no dear
What is the radius of the smallest circle that contains both of the circles x2+y2=4; and (x-3)+(y-3)2=9 ???
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9 Answers
i have done a method and i cant complete it
let P and Q be two pts on the circle x2+y2=4 and (x-3)+(y-3)2=9 respectively and the diameter of the smallest circle shud be the maximum distance between P and Q
there P(h,k) and Q(p,q)
and i dont know how to proceed after this and i have only two eqns but 4 knowns i cant find any other eqns can anyone find a ways to this method please post
and if u got any other method please post
i think it should be 5 units, draw the 2 circles on the coordinate plane nd u'ii find
join (0,0) and (-3,-3) (the centres) extend it to meet the circles,you should get the diameter which is 5+3√2