krishh , both the eqns are same ...
wat do you mean by doesnt explain 'of the parabola " ???
stat1 : the eqn √x + √y =1 represents a part of the parabola.
stat2 : the curve √x + √y =1 lie in the first quadrant only.
Stat 2 : Correct , since only those values of x & y are permissible which are ≥ 0.
Stat 1 : Correct. It is part of the parabola x2-2xy+y2-2x-2y+1=0 which has vertex (1/4,1/4), axis x-y=0 & latus rectum √2.
Stat 2 verifies "...a part of the..." (of Stat 1) but does not explain "...of the parabola."
Stat 2 is necessary but not sufficient.
Hence ans. is (B)
krishh , both the eqns are same ...
wat do you mean by doesnt explain 'of the parabola " ???
I mean "....lies in 1st quadrant" doesnt tell you anything abt "...parabola".
these type of ques r very-2 critical
u should be clearly knowing the meaning of A and B
A implies that the reason is it the correct exp of statement 1but hereit is the other way around
dont worry i was also trapped in the dilemma a week ago
but i suggest u to take some elementary egs
thanx manipal :)
@krish , read stat1 once and jus then stat2..
am not convinced wid your expalantion :(
One little thing (i dunno if its right or wrong) that i use always and get most of the Assert.-Reasn(out of the few i attempt) right is that
If you are able to explain St 1 without the help of St 2 OR if along with St2 if you need sth else in order to fully explain St1, then ans is (B)(i.e in case both St1 & St2 are correct) else (A)
....still not convinced [7][7][7]