thanx guys
and akand i do da same thin ;) derivin in xam hall hehehehehe!!!!!!
im the laziest possble guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![2] (jee 2010 student)
i have not done much in my entire 11..............[2]
only thing im confident (little bit) is physics[2][2][2][2]........
im pathetic at algebra permutation combination and other things which i shud hav finish in 11th..................
im zero at every math topic except quadratic stuff!!! and graph related stuff!!!!!!!!! and series,inequalities[2]
in chem i know only chemical and ionic eq im baaad even at atomic sttucture as i cant remember formules!!!!!!!![2][2][2]
im plannin to study in full swing after march 1 when my school xams get over!!!!!!!! till now in AITS(FIITJEE) my percentile goes up to 98-97 only because of physics!!!!!!!!!!
how many hours shud i study in a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i complete my sylabus by january2010?????????????????????[2][2][2]
shud i stop playin and internet???????????????[2][2][2].....
BHIYYAS help keejie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
am i capeable of doin iit????????????????
sorrry for ritin such a looong question but help please!!!!!
Hey you are not the laziest guy ..........
It's me i am confident about maths but i have studied atmost 40 hours in th whole year ......
thanx guys
and akand i do da same thin ;) derivin in xam hall hehehehehe!!!!!!
you need not remember formulae if u do a 100 probs that formula wont leave u ;)
ya dont forget the formulae ok????? atleast derive them in the exam hall(thts wat i do) hehe
also u shudnt get complacent that u r already getting 98%
iit requires both intell and hardwork
i hope u dint mean playing as playing videogames ( that must be avoided)
dude....................u r tryin for d 2010 JEE and u r already getting 98%ile in FIITJEE .....then u r toooooo gud......dont even worry..............just conc on wat u r weak at IIT seat is ready 4 u..........
i wud advise u opt a correspondence course rather than referring standard textbooks cos jee related material is handpicked by teachers. frm my experience some buks on algebra have 1000 of probs but i finished it fully using a select 250 probs frm brilliant stuy material
u can opt for these in end if u ve time ( but then in end YG file and RSM are better options )
regarding playing : do it as much as u can (1 hr min , 3 hr max)
regarding internet : dont do it (1 hr max or u can split it into 2 sessions of 1/2 hr )
The Questions first
1) As many hours as your mind is with you. The moment your body or mind wanders take some rest
2) Yes You will. *(There is no can)
3) NO you should play and use the net. (But it should not be overdone) It should only be only during the breaks.
4) Not being good at one subject cannot be an excuse. THe world is not so kind.. IIT JEE is a ruthless exam. It will just kill you. I made the same mistake of not studying chemistry and partly physics.
Algebra: I think A Dasgupta
Organic: Arihant
Physical: R C Mukherjee
Coordinate: SL Loney
im gonna get fiitjee rsm next year!!!!!!becuz of FTRE dat gud???
okie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanx for all ur time bhiyyas.........
1 last question.......
please suggest buks for self study in................
algebra........(specially perm. combination combinatories congruencies)....
organic chemistry..........
physical chemistry.........
coordinate geometry.....
I think that self study is the most important.
If you are smart enuf you wont need coaching.
no...............self study is coaching can teach u anything extraordinary..........but yes if u feel u r weak somewhere u may go for it...........but avoid it as far as possible....[1][1][1]
u must learn the conjcepts and use them to crack questions effectively...[1][1]
thanx for ur advices..........................!!!!!![1][1]... is classroom coaching neccesary?????????
yaar u r very gud in physics.....thats ur plus point and if u r getting 97 percentile in FIITJEE..........i dont think u r doing bad at all...........u can definitely finish ur syllabus before jan...........
u should study as many hours u feel u r comfortable in....even if u study 3-4 hrs with 100% conc, it is better tha nstudying in front of book half heartedly for 10hrs..............but yes 6-7 hrs should be ideal............
and u must not stop playing.........u must keep urself fresh.......and on internet u should try to use it for ur studies.....try to learn latest techonolgy and things like that so that u may get leisure time as well as u may learn tooooo..............