
can anyone please help me about this Msc (tech) course offered at BITS

some people are saying its good (some placements are even better than BE mech..) but we cant get it changed to dual degree like Msc(hons.) next year..

so what should i give higher preference in my form...

Msc (tech) or Msc (hons)

My BITSAT score was 288

3 Answers


if u take MSc tech then u get only 1 degree ie Msc

bt if u take Msc hons u get 2 degrees
ie Msc + BE

Philip Calvert ·

i appreciate your help but
u're just repeating the facts mru...

anyone please help me in putting my preference right

qwerty ·

may b this link help u philip......or u can also join this to know abt is by bits students/alumunii....

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