
Hey if ny1s got the tym 2 help me plz do........
i got 250 AIR in IIT
n now m confused as 2 what to take....
at this rank i can get
mech 4yrs..bombay
EE dual...bombay
CSE dual....delhi
so which branch will b the best considering that m a sort of money making kid.....MBA and financial anlytics types
PS: I hold equal interest in all the 3 branches
and i got BITSAT score 414 and AIEEE AIR 612 so if any other better options are there plz do tell
Ill b grateful 2 anybody who helps...

2 Answers

Vivek ·

"money making kid.....MBA"

then don't take a dual degree,choose the branch/institute you like the most

Celestine preetham ·

u can get EE in iit delhi itself mostly

EE in IITM surely

EE in IITB if ur lucky this yr

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