i have heared that nit warangall n trichy are among top 10 engineering colleges in india n have good placements!please tell me abt there current repo
i have got air 1773 in aieee ,tell me which nit n which branch can lead me to high paid jobs in future?
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6 Answers
In core there are very few jobs..
Outside core, what matters is the extracurricular events/ activities that you have participated in along with balanced or decent college results....
Jobs in good companies are very few... (Specially in 2nd rung colleges)
I would advice you to take up IIIT Hyderabad or Allahabad. They, in my opinion should be your first option..
After that there are lots of factors to decide....
but i have checked last years opening n closing ranks of the nits n according to them i can get a good branch in them? please tell me abt that how according to u i cannot get them?
U should take NIT W CSc
or NIT T CSc
Thats my view..
Both NITs are rocking
yup i would second what Shena is saying.. NIT Warangal Comp science..
Other departments are also good.. BUt I am not the best person to give an opinion on which course in which IIT is the best.
You should keep in mind that for you the best thing will be to have a very good extra curriculars. You must have noticed how much I have stressed on this single aspect. Keep in mind that life is not about passing exams. It goes much beyond that...